Today, we’re diving into a topic that many of us may not even realize affects our lives: modern-day idolatry. While we might think of idols as ancient statues or relics, the truth is, idolatry is alive and well in our modern world—it just looks a little different today.
In this blog, we’ll unpack five things Christians unknowingly treat as idols. Spoiler alert: number five might really surprise you! So grab your Bible, and let’s get started.
What Is Idolatry?
In the Bible, idolatry isn’t just about bowing down to statues. It’s about anything—yes, anything—that takes the place of God in our lives. It happens when we give our time, energy, and devotion to something or someone more than we give to God.
As Christians, we are called to worship Him alone. The Bible clearly states in Exodus 20:3:
“You must not have any other gods before me.”
But in today’s world, idols aren’t always obvious. Let’s explore five modern-day idols that many Christians might be unaware of.
Five modern-day idols
1. Money and Materialism
Money itself isn’t bad. In fact, God owns everything, as Psalm 50:10 reminds us:
“For all the animals of the forest are mine, and I own the cattle on a thousand hills.”
Money is necessary for spreading the gospel—it funds mission trips, prints Bibles, and creates ministry tools. But when the pursuit of wealth becomes the main focus, it can quickly take God’s place in our lives.
As Jesus says in Matthew 6:24:
“You cannot serve God and be enslaved to money.”
Ask yourself:
- Do you trust money more than you trust God to provide?
- Does the desire for more pull you away from your spiritual life?
2. Career and Success
It’s easy to let our job titles, achievements, and goals define who we are. But when we place our identity in what we do rather than in Christ, we risk putting our career above God.
Remember, we are made in His image, not in the image of our career achievements. Jesus warns us in Matthew 16:26:
“And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?”
Are you chasing success so hard that your spiritual life is falling behind?
3. Self and Personal Comfort
We all love comfort, but when it becomes more important than obedience to God, it becomes an idol. Whether it’s chasing a life of ease, prioritizing self-care, or focusing excessively on self-improvement, these things can subtly take God’s place.
Jesus calls us to a life of sacrifice in Matthew 16:24:
“If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me.”
Ask yourself:
- Are you more concerned about what makes you happy than what glorifies God?
4. Entertainment and Technology
How much time do you spend on social media, gaming, or binge-watching your favorite shows? Now compare that to how much time you spend with God.
These things aren’t bad on their own, but they can distract us from what truly matters. The Bible challenges us in Ephesians 5:15-16:
“So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days.”
Take a moment to check your screen time on your smartphone. You might be surprised—and even convicted—by how much of your day goes to entertainment. Are you giving technology more of your time and thoughts than you give to God?
5. Relationships (This Might Surprise You!)
Loving others is a command from God, but even good things can become idols when we put them above Him. This includes spouses, children, friends, social media influencers, and even political leaders.
If you place your hope in another person to “save the world” or fulfill you in ways only God can, you’re walking the dangerous path of idolatry.
As Jesus says in Matthew 10:37:
“If you love your father or mother more than you love me, you are not worthy of being mine.”
Ouch! That’s a tough truth, but we must prioritize our relationship with God above everyone else. Relationships should point us to Christ, not replace Him.
How to Guard Against Modern-Day Idols
So how do we protect ourselves from falling into the trap of modern-day idolatry? Here are three practical steps:
- Examine Your Heart
Ask God to reveal anything in your life that is taking His rightful place. - Spend Time With God Daily
Prayer and Bible study help refocus your mind and heart on Him. - Choose Obedience Over Comfort
Remember, our purpose is to glorify God, not ourselves. As Colossians 3:2 says:
“Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth.”
Final Thoughts
Modern-day idolatry is subtle but powerful. The good news is that God is gracious and always ready to help us refocus on Him. Take a moment today to ask yourself:
What might I be treating as an idol in my life?
If this message spoke to you, share it with someone who might need to hear it. Let’s encourage each other to keep God first in every area of our lives.
May the shalom of God rest upon you!